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10 May, 2011

Dedicated TO Terry Richardson...

Tento krát svoj príspevok venujem fotografovi. Presnejšie jedinečnému a trochu úchylnemu divochovi, Terrymu Richardsonovi. Tento típek z Ameriky sa už roky živý tým že fotí rôzne modelky, hercov ,spevákov, speváčky a všakovaké iné celebrity v úplné atypických momentoch. Jeho fotky sú vulgárne, oplzlé, sexistické avšak úplne nadčasové. Terry ma totiž neskutočný talent vytiahnuť z človeka to skazené a vulgárne a perfektne to zachytiť na nesmrteľnom zábere. V hesle Sex, Drogy a Rockenroll pripájam zopár záberov tohto úchylného velikána.

I would like to dedicate this contribution to one of my latest photographer fascinations. It has been none other that the sexist and perverse Terry Richardson. This dude has become famous by photographing celebrities, models, actresses, singers, even politicians (hello Mr. American President!). Although his pictures are sexist, vulgar and very naked they are also timeless. Because it is only Mr. Richardson himself, who can make an absolutely imperfect picture look perfect. His talent is in taking the bad out of you while creating a priceless momentum shot. In the name of Sex, Drugs and Rockenroll I am attaching some of my favorite Terry Richardson pictures.

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